OPENING DATE - 28th Aug 2011
ADDRESS - Savei Shopping Complex, Mwenge, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
TIME - Mon to Sun (10:00AM TO 6:00PM) 

Fashion Tribe was formed to meet the need for chic, ready-to-wear, quality clothing without the outrageous price tags.
Fashion Tribe pieces are creatively crafted to encompass different kinds of looks/occasions - from hanging out with the girls to barbecues to weekend night outs and a host of others – all with an emphasis on effortless charm.

STOCKIST - UK High Street Ladies wear - Colour Block Dress, Maxi Dresses,Floral Dresses, Jumpsuits, Pleated Skirts, Floral Hareem, Chino Trousers, Lace Dresses, Lace Weave,  & Accessories. (New Lines will be added every month).

More details about our stock and other stores please visit

Michuzi Blog

Tanzanian blog operating since 2005, covering International news and Local News, including Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers.

Toa Maoni Yako:

Kuna Maoni 2 mpaka sasa

  1. lulu,ketraAugust 29, 2011

    yep...the shop rocks..

  2. where exaclty are u situated in mwenge?! is the building around the bus stop area??


Hii ni Blog ya Watanzania popote walipo duniani kwa ajili ya kuhabarisha, kutoa/kupokea taarifa na kuelimisha mambo yote yaliyo chanya kwa Taifa letu. Tafadhali sana unapotoa maoni usichafue hali ya hewa wala usijeruhi hisia za mtu/watu. Kuwa mstaarabu...